Friday, June 20, 2008

Reflecting Jesus

Do you think it’s true that when you live a Godly life that people watch you and see Jesus in you? There are two people I’ve been watching for years and I didn’t even realize I was doing it. The two people I’m referring to are Jim and Marie Mason. You might know them if you go to New Pointe. Marie recently went to be with God.

You know in those moments after church service lets out when there’s a sea of people walking down the isle way, almost in slow motion. Everyone is a blur. As you’re waiting for someone to let you merge, along would come Jim and Marie gingerly shuffling down the isle way together, Marie holding on to Jim’s arm. When they would see us, they’d always stop and say hello. Though the other faces in the crowd were a blur, they were completely in focus, kind of like when you’re taking a picture and all the background is fuzzy except what you’re zoomed in on. Was it Jesus’ light that I would see reflecting from them that made them stand out? I don’t mean to imply that they were glowing. I’m just trying to point out that they did life the right way and something inside of me was attracted to that. After Marie’s diagnoses, I stopped and thought about what a great relationship that they had and how I want my relationship with Dave to be that way.

The most glowing thing about them was the way they handled their last days together on this side of Heaven. I heard about the lovely things Jim said to Marie when she was first diagnosed and the moment when God took her home. I can’t remember most of the good books I’ve read, but their story will stay in my mind and I’ll replay it in moments of reflection, kind of like I’m doing now.

People have their own unique style of trying to spread the good news about Jesus. For instance, there’s this car driving around town that has a menagerie of Jesus bumper stickers, doomsday messages, scriptures, you name it, covering every inch of the car. I must say it does have quite an impact on me. I not sure it’s the one they are hoping for. Who drives it is a mystery. My eyes never get past the car. Maybe it’s Bubba Jo.

Anyhow—back to what I was saying--the only people who’ve ever had any spiritual impact on me are people who are just living out their beliefs hour by hour, day by day, week by week (like Jim and Marie).

1 comment:

Becki said...

Like Dwight said yesterday, his mother is still impacting others! She made a difference in my life too!