You know that next level of spirituality that I mentioned in an earlier blog…..my desire for a new revelation? Well the good news is I got my revelation. The bad news is……..I got my revelation.
God has a sense of humor, doesn’t he? When you pray for finances he sends you overtime. When you pray for a revelation he reveals things about yourself that aren’t very flattering. I had been searching in different directions for a new revelation; reading my Bible, reading good books, listening to my favorite speakers. The revelation came, but not from any single avenue. It came to me slowly as I contemplated what I’d read and heard from all my sources.
God has a sense of humor, doesn’t he? When you pray for finances he sends you overtime. When you pray for a revelation he reveals things about yourself that aren’t very flattering. I had been searching in different directions for a new revelation; reading my Bible, reading good books, listening to my favorite speakers. The revelation came, but not from any single avenue. It came to me slowly as I contemplated what I’d read and heard from all my sources.
God revealed to me that my exterior didn’t match my interior. I am a fake. He wasn’t as blunt as that. The revelation trickled in gradually day-by-day so I wouldn’t be too offended. Being this way was having a negative effect on me. When

Driving out to the church the other night, I started to realize a strong sense of God’s presence in my life. Then suddenly it dawned on me. He had been working quietly in the background of my mind for weeks. He seemed to have shown Himself about the time I started searching in more than one source. He had been looking over my shoulder the whole time, whispering to me. It was an awesome feeling.
I have four reasons to be hopeful about my future. One is that God has revealed to me a new weakness He will help me to overcome. The other three are the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.