My son, Kevin, is a big fan of You tube. He enjoys funny videos, but he also likes to watch New Pointe videos. Apparently the motor cross video created quite a controversy with viewers. Motorcycles and rock-n-roll music in the service offended some. Kevin tried in vain to sway one person toward his view that rock-n-roll is okay. He or she didn’t buy it.
Wanting to keep an open mind, I’m pondering the situation myself. Do you suppose God is offended by the sour notes of a child attempting to sing, “Jesus loves me, this I know….?” Or, is he pleased at the sincerity to worship Him no matter what the sound, or style of music, or how loud it is.
Ideally during service at any church no matter what kind of music is playing the congregation should be in true worship, focusing heart and soul on how awesome God is, how our God created the whole universe, yet knows every hair on our head and singing praises to Him and only Him.
While all this is going on, I’ll just bet there are a few in any congregation at any church during any style of music thinking, “Wow, the music is great.” Every Sunday the Holy Spirit convicts me of this. Let’s face it. We’ve been blessed with some serious musical talent at New Pointe, but if I’m thinking about anything other than the God I am trying to worship, does it really matter what style of music is playing? True worship comes from the heart of the individual who, while singing, is totally focused on his/her Creator. I don’t believe the style of music makes any difference.
Picture in your mind a small country church with stained glass windows, hymn-books, wooden pews, and a choir.
The style of music is traditional, conservative. Sons and daughters are singing in the choir. During the worship service Mom and Dad might be a bit puffed up about their kids in the choir rather then focusing on God. The music is not rock-n-roll, but what’s the object of their worship?
Really listen to the words from “Beautiful Letdown” or “On Fire” by Switchfoot. It makes me sad to think that anyone could be offended by those words just because their genre is rock-n-roll.
No matter what the genre of the music at New Pointe, the words to the music they choose always glorify God. I will be there come Sunday and will sing those words to my God as I focus my thoughts on Him. For a moment my thoughts will wander. I will think how great the music is. The Holy Spirit will nudge me back into focus. He’s so gracious about my failings.
I think it grieves the Holy Spirit when we criticize other’s worship style. It makes His job more difficult. When the unsaved hear us taking shots at each other, it just gives them reason to not want to be a Christian. I don’t want to be responsible for prolonging anyone’s decision to be saved.
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