I made a pledge to myself to have as much integrity as possible for one of a sinful nature as mine. If I used a stamp, I paid for it. If I was five minutes late for lunch, I worked ten minutes over. If I made a copy on the copier, I paid for it. Other than emergencies, personal phone calls were a thing of the past.
Now, when I told on someone for his or her indiscretions I’d be okay, right? Well….not really. I’d still have that bad feeling inside. Plus, the person I told on would be mad at me. It was the same thing every time. That’s not what I wanted. I just wanted him or her to stop doing what they were doing that caused me more work. “They’re doing wrong,” I reasoned. Inevitably I would always regret saying anything. I wondered again why that was. Why am I feeling so bad when they should be feeling bad? I found a passage in the bible somewhere. I can’t seem to find it again. But…..anyhow….it said something about criticizing always coming back on to the criticizer. “Hmmmmmm? Okay God,” I prayed. “Reveal to me what that means.”
He revealed to me that (even though I was telling the truth) by going over their head, I was really going behind their back, not giving them an opportunity to defend themselves. This was a sin. Sin always has a consequence. The bad feelings and poor relationships were the consequences for my sin. He wanted me to go the person I had the grievance with first. It used to be I couldn’t do that because my own closet wasn’t clean, so to speak. But, now that I practiced integrity I had freedom to go to that person and say, “Hay, we’ve got a problem here.”
Simple, right? No, it was difficult. It was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. I’d have to pray for days to get up the courage. But, the funny thing was, when I did, I got this awesome blessing from it. It happened every time I “got real” with someone. We’d have it out, and then we’d become friends. When I retired I dearly loved each and every one I worked with.
So I put this into practice in every aspect of my life. It took a long time to undo past sins. Over time I have received many blessings by changing my bad behavior. I feel better about myself. Family ties are stronger because of it. Friendships are stronger. It has been a total blessing all around.
We all need to learn this, it's so easy to see that telephone pole in the other person, and your right, it's better to go to THAT person, IN person, then go to OTHER persons (does that make sense) Good blog, we learn so much from each other!
What an awesome thing it is to see Biblical truth take hold in someone's life. You can easily change your outward actions/reactions to any set of circumstances, but when your heart changes your focus, your life turns inside-out. A small step is made towards a life like Christ. Then it gives a peace that transcends any worldly situation.
The word "criticize" is a fairly modern word not found in most Bible versions. It would have been considered to "judge" someone. The most well know verses against this is probably Matt 7:1-2 Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
Once a truth is revealed to you it is so clear you don't understand why everyone else can't see it.
I feel extremely blessed to call you and Davey friends. God has given us true christian fellowship as we grow together in our relationships and walk with Him.
Mark V.
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